Tonda Iblea D.O.P. Olio Nuovo, 2024 Video
On the Agricola Spedalotto, Vincenzo Paterno organically farms the unique Tonda Iblea olive. Harvesting is done entirely by hand before crushing in a nearby frantoio (olive mill). Careful decanting into stainless steel tanks plus one month of settling ensure a beautifully clear oil.
Chiaramonte Gulfi is known in Sicily as il balcone della Sicilia (Sicily's balcony) because of its high position atop the Monte Iblei ridge. The altitude and climate there guarantee a perfect environment for growing olives, and the area is under the strict quality control laws of a Denominazione di Origine Protetta (D.O.P.), guaranteeing olive oil excellence year after year.
Olio Nuovo is the first pressing of just-harvested olives. It is olive oil in its most intense, raw state—the ultimate condiment. The 2024 oil is a harmonious sensory experience: its green and ripe flavors are in perfect balance. It is soft with a fresh, green tomato aroma and fruity flavor, like taking a bite of a ripe tomato. A delightful complexity is extracted from this single varietal olive, a result of the craftsmanship that goes into the cultivation of rich soil. Spedalotto Tonda Iblea's approachable flavor profile is easy to love!
Pour this oil liberally—and often—on bruschetta, hearty soups, slow-cooked beans, grilled meats, steamed and raw vegetables, or chocolate gelato. Great hostess gift, too.
Chiaramonte Gulfi, Sicily
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil from 100% Tonda Iblea Olives
500 ml